Care of Pet Bandages Advice

Pet bandage care
Bandages are used to cover wounds, provide support or prevent further damage to an area. They need to be changed at regular intervals depending on each case. We will make an appointment for you to revisit the surgery when this is necessary. In some cases, your pet may need to be sedated to allow us to change the bandage.
It is very important that bandages are kept dry, or the skin underneath may become sore. Try to avoid taking your pet out in the rain. Cats must be kept indoors – you will need to provide a litter tray.
If walking on wet ground is unavoidable, protect the bandage with a plastic bag or ask us for a Pawz rubber bandage cover. We have heavy plastic bags at Reception. Do not leave a plastic bag on all the time however, as this will cause sweating beneath the bandage.
Bandage do’s & don’ts
Discourage your pet from licking or chewing at the bandage. A light cover, such as a sock, will often be enough to discourage licking. In some cases, an Elizabethan collar may be required. If your pet persists in trying to chew the bandage then contact the surgery for advice – it may be that the bandage requires adjustment.
Do not remove a bandage yourself without first contacting us for advice. Removing a bandage may leave a delicate wound unprotected and will delay healing.
If the bandage becomes wet or damaged, if it slips or starts to smell, then please arrange an appointment as soon as possible for a bandage change.